Fresh Kills Park/公園視察ツアーと合意形成

 長くニューヨーク市のゴミ埋め立て処分地として機能していたFresh Kills/フレッシュキルズは、2001年に国際コンペを行い、跡地利用の公園マスタープランを決定した。優勝したのはfieldoperationsで、整備費には予算150万ドル以上が充てられている。





Fresh Kills Park Tours

Image of Fresh Kills Park sitePlease join us on Saturday, October 14, 2006 for a behind the scenes tour of the future Fresh Kills Park.

Two tour times are scheduled: Tour 1, 10:00 a.m. -11:30 a.m. and Tour 2, 1:00 p.m. -2:30 p.m. Tours will be conducted by NYC Urban Park Rangers and Staten Island Greenbelt Environmental Educators.

While the tours will not cover the entire Fresh Kills landscape, tour participants will have an opportunity to see areas of Fresh Kills targeted for early park improvement and public access.

Areas to be visited may include:
-North Park, overlooking Travis and the William T. Davis Wildlife Refuge
-South Park, with spectacular views of Fresh Kills and Arden Heights
-Richmond and Main Creek wetland areas
-Future sites of Creek Landing and The Point developments

The tours, which will be conducted by bus, are free of charge. Space is extremely limited and reservations are required. To RSVP, please fill out our online registration form.  You will be sent a confirmation email once your form has been received. 


国際コンペで選ばれたプランに関しても”Get Involved!” と呼びかけ合意形成を図る。コンペ提案資料もアイディアにあふれているが、プロジェクトそのもののプロセスも興味深い。



Big Dig完成から10年/ボストンのGI

