ヘルスケアのランドスケープデザインに関するコンペ情報です。 Vendome Groupが主催し、以下の3分野に関するランドスケープ作品が対象となるそうです Acute care ( Healthcare Design ) —Acute care hospitals, ambulatory care centers, cancer centers, children’s hospitals, community hospitals, emergency departments, heart institutes, hospice, medical centers/office buildings, replacement hospitals, wellness centers (including environments that promote wellness), and other acute care settings. Senior living ( Environments for Aging and Long-Term Living )— Memory care facilities, assisted living, continuing care retirement communities, independent living, post-acute/rehabilitation, skilled nursing, wellness/fitness (including environments that promote active aging), and other senior living environments. Behavioral health ( Addiction Professional and Behavioral Healthcare ) —addiction treatment centers, child and adolescent behavioral health clinics, eating disorder institutes, mental healthcare facilities, military medical centers, outpatient/substance ...