GIのメリットメモ/ Reasons why green infrastructure matters

11/8 Lawn and Landscapeの記事の備忘録です


“constructed features that use living, natural systems to provide environmental services, such as capturing, cleaning and infiltrating stormwater; creating wildlife habitat; shading and cooling streets and buildings; and calming traffic”
MacAdam, J. - Green infrastructure for southwestern neighborhoods

Benefits of GI include temperature modification in urban areas, enhancing street and sidewalk aesthetics and reducing and filtering stormwater runoff. There are several types of green infrastructure that may be utilized in urban settings. Those include urban forests, green roofs, rain gardens and bioswales
Soil Science of America

Environmental Protection Agency - Soak Up the Rain: Rain Gardens

These are “stormwater runoff conveyance systems that provide an alternative to storm sewers,” the Natural Resources Conservation Service reported (see ref. 6). The concept is similar to that of rain gardens, but they differ in their larger scale. The soil should be porous to allow for an infiltration rate of at least ½ inch per hour. If drainage is slow, then an underdrain pipe may be installed to facilitate flow. Amendments such as sand, compost, topsoil, perlite or vemiculite may be added to improve existing soils. Preferred vegetation includes large grasses or deep-rooted woody plants to allow for filtration of contaminants and to permit water infiltration.
Bioswales may be constructed along roads and medians as well as parking lot islands. They are not practical in flat areas or in areas with slopes less than 5 percent. Bioswales can be constructed from natural contours by modifying the slopes to no steeper than 3:1. Each swale should be constructed to serve an area no larger than 10 acres. 

The total surface area of the bioswale should be 1 percent of the total area from which it will receive stormwater, according to industry research (see ref. 7). After installing a bioswale, it is imperative that good maintenance practices are followed to maintain the effectiveness. Allowing weeds, exotic plants and trash to accumulate will reduce the benefit and aesthetics.

There are two main reasons this matters to landscape contractors. First, by implementing green infrastructure practices and methods, you can contribute to environmental protection efforts, which are beneficial in both short- and long-term situations. Second, offering creative, alternative habitats and solutions to your customers provides your business with a competitive edge to grow and prosper. So, take green infrastructure and get creative with it.



Big Dig完成から10年/ボストンのGI

