コミュニティを活性化させる様々なアイディアとそれをサポートする資金 ニューヨークで設立され、全米各地に活動の場を広げているクラウドファンディングのプラットホーム”ioby”の紹介ビデオです。 都市内の低・未利用地のコミュニティーガーデン化など多様なプロジェクトを支援しています。 そのアプローチ手法は以下の通りです。 --(サイトから転載) What we do ioby helps neighbors grow and implement great ideas one block at a time. Our crowd-resourcing platform connects leaders with funding and support to make our neighborhoods safer, greener, more livable and more fun. ioby believes that it should be easy to make meaningful change “in our backyards” - the positive opposite of NIMBY. How we do it ioby uses the concept of crowd-resourcing (a term we coined) to drive projects to success: crowdfunding + resource organizing = crowd-resourcing Crowdfunding is the pooling of small online donations for a cause or project. Resource organizing is a core tenet of community organizing that considers activists and advocates the best supporters to ensure the success and long-term stewardship of a ca...